Test php7 with your hosting account.

It is often helpful to create a simple test page to confirm the correct php version is running on your account. Before trying to debug other problems in your scripts, etc. it is wise to first ensure php is working normally and running the expected php version. This guide shows you how to do this.

1. Be sure you have first configured your account to run php 7

2. Create a test phpinfo() page

Create a new empty file called phpinfo.php - inside the file put the following:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

save the file and upload it to your hosting account.

Load the file in your web browser by going to (depending up where you uploaded the file) http://yoursite.com/phpinfo.php

You should see output giving information about the current php configuration. It should display php 7 as the version. If you have an error or see a version other than php 7, you will need to check your basic configuration.